Monday 9 June 2008

the typical student nurse

Good Morning everyone;
i'll start by saying that i am a student nurse and that i go to the University of Surrey.
i started here in september and wow, what a year it has been so far.
the amount of work you have to do is imense, but the best thing of all is when you get to go out on placement.
My first placment was in an elderly peoples home. it was ok i suppose, jus tnot what i was expecting.
you see i like the idea of the hustle and bustle of everyday life. so i would have prefered to be on a ward.
anyhow second placement eventually started and yes i was indeed on a ward
finally the hustle and bustle of a busy ward was due to hit me, smack in the mouth! oh yeah baby!
so Now 9 months later i am now on my second to last placment of year 1.. and boy is this a hard placement, am in a mental health hospital, hate it though, not what i thought it would be like either, it is so secure as soon as you walk into the place , locked doors, everything.
don;t believe for a second what your lecturers tell you about getting free time and having a social life, you have to fight for it, believe me. working 12 hour shifts take there toll on a person believe me.
just make the most of nursing whilst you can!

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